Employer Retirement Plans

Retirement plans are a valuable benefit that impacts the present and future lives of employees. We offer retirement plans, such as 401K, 403B, 457, and Pension plans that help you and your employees now and in the future.

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Should you plan ahead?

Have you recently changed jobs or are you thinking about retiring? You may be wondering what to do with your retirement plan, and you're unsure what to do next. There are mandatory decisions that must be made within a timeframe Understanding these timeframes could be important.

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Why work with us?

It's tempting to say we deliver strong financial performance but in reality a number can mean one thing to one person and something very different to another. Quantifying your expectations that are uniquely related to you, and subject to your own criteria, is not a realistic way to describe our value added.

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Rochester Investments, Inc is an investment advisor firm registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission*, an investment manager, financial advisor, and financial planner firm located in Rochester NY. We serve individuals and businesses with their investment and financial planning needs**.  We offer financial services to individuals and families. Our primary custodian is Charles Schwab, however we can work with other custodians when necessary. This is often the case when we work with School Employees and Administrators servicing 403B plans that are bound to be administered by a custodian that is preapproved by the School District. For our business clients, we can set up a 401K or a pension plan at a custodian of their choice or specific criteria.


We provide investment management, investment research, retirement planning, tax and estate strategies, and manage retirement and non-retirement assets.

In our work, we focus on:

1. Investment Management: investment portfolios using stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, and CDs.

2. Business Planning: 401K and pension plans, executive benefits to owners and key employees, business buy-sell agreements, business exit strategies, group benefits, corporate-owned life insurance, etc.

3. Divorce and/or Loss of Spouse financial and retirement planning.

4. Retirement Planning to employed individuals, anyone thinking of retirement, and people during their Work transition: We help them evaluate 401K, 403B, 457, IRA and ROTH IRA accounts, and see how their current investments fit into their retirement plans.

5. Retirement Income and wealth preservation for anyone looking into receiving a recurring income before or in retirement.

6. Charitable Giving

7. Trusts and Estates, and leaving a legacy.

8. Tax planning for individuals and families.

While everyone’s situation is different, we use financial and tax planning strategies that focus on long term investments to support our clients during their lives, and beyond.

Our financial services extend to our clients family and friends, and we welcome the opportunity to work with anyone that can benefit from our knowledge and experience. We try to understand what’s important to the people we help, and to plan for their needs as their lives evolve.

To our clients and to our future clients we say:: We’re proud to be your dedicated Financial Advisor. Thank you for your trust and confidence! We’re so happy that you’re part of our financial family!

Give us a call at 585-568-6656 or email us at dsa@rochesterinvestments.com. We enjoy talking to you!


Our office is located at 1580 W. Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14615. That is in the Stone Ridge Plaza on W. Ridge Rd. We work flexible hours, but we’re generally available during Stock Market Trading Hours. Please note that we don’t accept walk-ins. All of our meetings are scheduled in advance. We offer online and in-person meetings to accommodate our in State and out of State clients.



*Registration of an investment advisor does not imply any level of skill or training.

**Investing in securities involves risk of loss that clients should be prepared to bear. While we will use our best judgment and good faith efforts in rendering services to our clients, some investment decisions or recommendations we make may not be profitable.

We cannot warrant or guarantee any particular level of account performance, or that any particular investment, or combination of investments, that will be profitable over time. Clients assume all market risk involved, and understand that investment decisions are subject to various market, economic, political, business, currency, and other risks, that we have no control over.

All investing strategies we offer involve risk and may result in a loss of your original investment which you should be prepared to bear. Many of these risks apply equally to stocks, bonds, and any other investment or security.

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